
Line drawing automation: Efficiency and Accuracy with PIM Systems

Engineering drawings, design illustrations, or simply line drawings are visual representations of products that convey precise information, such as dimensions and details. This form of product visualization is often used for products that require technical explanation and whose proper use depends on precise assembly.
In many companies, the process of creating and dimensioning line drawings is done manually and in disparate systems, which is time-consuming and error-prone. The use of a PIM system plays a crucial role in the automated creation of line drawings and helps to overcome the challenges of the past. In this article, you will learn how line drawings are automated and how companies can benefit from it.
Line drawing automation: Efficiency and Accuracy with PIM Systems

How does line drawing automation work?

Many companies still use manual processes to add item information to their line drawings. The line drawings are first created in the design program as a neutral representation, then customized through multiple channels (and sometimes external service providers), and finally populated with the necessary product information in a time-consuming process and without connection to a PIM system. Input is usually provided via Excel lists. This method is not only prone to errors and media disruptions but also leads to redundant work, as the same drawings have to be revised again and again for different output channels.

In addition, there are often no item-specific line drawings. Instead, line drawings are dimensioned with generic information at the product level.

The automated process begins when the design data is transferred to the design program, such as Adobe Illustrator, where the basic line drawings are created with placeholders for item-specific line drawings. The Adobe Illustrator plug-in “print:comet” from Werk II is used to assign the corresponding item information from the PIM system to the placeholders. For example, the exact dimensions of an item or specific material information can be integrated directly into the drawing.

The finished line drawings, including the item information, are now exported from Adobe Illustrator to a hot folder via a saved script and given a specific name. The naming of the exported assets is critical because the file name is used to associate the drawing with the correct item in the PIM system. The filenames are assigned according to a specific logic previously defined in a set of rules. Once the rules are defined, the system works autonomously to ensure each line drawing is associated with the correct article.

“Once integrated into the PIM system, line drawings are available in various forms – optimized for packaging, publications, and use in digital commerce.”

This creates a channel-independent creation process that eliminates multiple and redundant creations and enables automated enrichment of line drawings. Once integrated into the PIM system, line drawings are available in various forms – optimized for packaging, publications, and use in digital commerce. Drawings no longer need to be manually created or customized for each channel. The result is a seamless and efficient workflow that reduces steps, minimizes errors, and eliminates media breaks.

Example of product packaging with illustration of line drawing including item information on length and width of item

Exclusive insights in the webinar with fischer

In the webinar “Push to Publish – Database Publishing at fischer,” you will get exclusive first-hand insights into fischer’s publishing automation strategy. Thanks to automated processes between the PIM system and the new print solution, hundreds of catalog pages are created almost automatically – a strategic milestone for fischer. Watch the webinar now, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the experts.

Adding value to product data: The benefits of line drawing automation

Companies can extract more value from their product data by automating line drawings. Instead of manually maintaining drawings created in Adobe InDesign, a PIM system can automatically enrich those drawings with accurate product information. This not only creates new content but also streamlines processes and increases efficiency.

“Automation not only creates new content. It also streamlines processes and increases efficiency.”

  • Centralized management and data consistency: A PIM system is a single source for all product information. This eliminates the media disruption often caused by using different tools such as Excel, ERP systems, or store solutions. All data is maintained centrally and is always up-to-date and correct for line drawings. This ensures a high level of consistency and uniformity in communication.
  • Item-specific information at the touch of a button: Automation makes it possible to provide precise item information. The PIM system enhances line drawings with specific information such as dimensions and materials. This leads to greater accuracy of product information, reducing the number of returns and misprints.
  • Improve efficiency and reduce costs: Automating line drawings saves time and cost. The creation process is accelerated, and correction loops are reduced because the PIM system approves and verifies the underlying data. Copy-paste errors and the effort of searching and transferring information are eliminated. This results in an overall more efficient way of working.
  • Improved data quality and fewer returns: Automated processes significantly improve data quality. Manual transfer errors are eliminated, and information on line drawings is always current and accurate. This minimizes the risk of incorrect information on packaging and other materials, reducing the number of returns.
  • Consistency and Corporate Design: The PIM system ensures that all product information is presented consistently and uniformly in online drawings. This reinforces the corporate design and provides consistent communication across all channels. Companies benefit from a professional and consistent presentation of their products.

Practical example: Automation of line drawings at fischer

The company fischer implemented exactly this use case as part of a comprehensive automation strategy and has since benefited from the enormous efficiency gains. In addition, by implementing a new PIM system, fischer could significantly optimize the creation and maintenance of its line drawings, resulting in improved data quality and reduced errors.

Meet fischer and Parsionate at print:day 2024 – The event for product communication and omnichannel marketing

Another highlight for all interested parties is print:day 2024, which will take place on September 17 and 18 in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Jan Rüger (fischer) and Nico Loos (Parsionate) will present their joint project, “Automation of line drawing creation,” on stage. You will also be able to talk to experts and learn more about the latest developments in PIM and automation.

Conclusion: Improve efficiency and accuracy with line drawing automation

Automating the process of creating line drawings with a PIM system offers many benefits to companies. It streamlines processes, improves data quality, and saves time and money. Centralized product information management eliminates media disruption and enables accurate, item-specific line drawings. Increased efficiency and accuracy positively impact the entire company and customer satisfaction. Therefore, implementing a PIM system is essential to digitization and increased efficiency.



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