Reading tips2021-04-30T13:38:26+02:00

Useful tips on PIM

In this section, we collect useful tips, articles and news about PIM. Learn more about important issues in PIM; understand how
they are interrelated and keep up to date with the latest developments.
Become a PIM professional with our tips.

Product Experience Management: From data to experience

In the dynamic world of digital commerce, Product Experience Management (PXM) has emerged as an essential component of business success. PXM goes beyond traditional marketing approaches by focusing on creating an exceptional product experience for the customer. In this article, we look at the different aspects of Product Experience Management and how companies can use it to improve their customer relationships and market presence.

pirobase: PIM Vendor in Focus

Konstantin Stergiopoulos is Director Business Development & Sales at pirobase imperia. In the interview, he talks about the current trends and changes on the market and how pirobase PIM helps companies to master these challenges.

Akeneo: PIM Vendor in Focus

In this series we talk to a selection of software vendors about their PIM solutions. Tobias Schlotter, General Manager Central & Eastern Europe at Akeneo, sees product information management no longer as a purely technical task but critical to creating a compelling customer experience.

Contentserv: PIM Vendor in Focus

We interviewed a selection of software vendors about their differentiators, target groups and future trends. Find out what Sven Munk, SVP Global Technologies & Alliances at Contentserv global, said in response.

Avoiding mistakes in a PIM project

Digitisation requires new, optimised and automated processes. Digital technology is reshaping every aspect of business. As customers are becoming more and more demanding, you need to reconsider existing structures and re-evaluate responsibilities.

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  • Case Studies

  • Interesting articles about PIM

  • Checklist System Requirements

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