Reading tips2021-04-30T13:38:26+02:00

Useful tips on PIM

In this section, we collect useful tips, articles and news about PIM. Learn more about important issues in PIM; understand how
they are interrelated and keep up to date with the latest developments.
Become a PIM professional with our tips.

Avoiding mistakes in a PIM project

Digitisation requires new, optimised and automated processes. Digital technology is reshaping every aspect of business. As customers are becoming more and more demanding, you need to reconsider existing structures and re-evaluate responsibilities.

How product information changes our lives

Product information is like advertising: it is always there, wherever we are. We are often not aware of it - or take it for granted. Prices at the gas station, food ingredients, our new sports shoes' care instructions.

The challenge of managing product data

Many global brands are undergoing some major changes to better equip themselves for the future. Whereas their corporate strategies were, so far, rather product-driven, they are now increasingly focused on product marketing activities.

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  • Case Studies

  • Interesting articles about PIM

  • Checklist System Requirements

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